I'm back! We arrived home at 4 in the morning on Tuesday. The trip was amazing, and we had so much fun!
It was around an 11 hour drive including pitstops and an hour and a
half at the border. We saw a whole bunch of cool vintage cars on our drive. The car in the picture below is an old "Hot Rod" that we saw at the border crossing.

We did as much shopping there as possible since the taxes were lower. There they were 3 to 8 percent, whereas in Ontario, the taxes are 13 percent. We mostly bought a lot from JC Penney. They had the best deals.
Friday was our day day downtown. The subway system was the most confusing thing ever. They weren't selling the day passes at the station, so we had to go to Walgreens and pick up one. We saw these posters at Walgreens:

All I can say is "Healthcare?" My dad took pictures of the signs for study purposes. He's a medical historian.
After that we went to the Chicago Cultural Centre for free. It was absolutely gorgeous! The building was originally built for a library, and it's entirely made of mosaics and marble. It also holds some of the oldest domes.

Right across the street, we went to Millenium Park. We saw a cool-looking stage and a bubble-shaped sculpture. It's called "The Bead". It's also a round mirror, so you can see the city behind you.

We also saw free live jazz music in the park.
After our little rest, we took the bus up Michigan Avenue and we went to the Museum of Contemporary Art. It wasn't that big, so we were done pretty quickly.
Finally, we got to the American Girl Store. It was hard deciding what to get. My doll, Mia, poses with a nice horse.

My mom found a doll-sized table that looked like the table she grew up with. We bought that not knowing that it didn't fold up. The rest of the way back to the hotel my dad had to carry this big box.
For dinner, we had Chicago pizza which was 3 inches thick! It was different because they put the tomato sauce on the top. But it was so delicious!
Stay tuned for my Comic Con Stories!