Words cannot describe how bad David is in this video. I think my dad can sing better that him. But I can watch this again and again because it's just so darn funny!
"Okay, I'm cookie dough, and... I'm not done baking yet. I'm not finished becoming... whoever the hell it is I'm gonna turn out to be. I've been looking for someone to make me feel whole, and maybe I just need to be whole. I make it through this, and the next thing, and the next... maybe one day I turn around and realize I'm ready. I'm cookies. And then if I want someone to eat m -- or, to enjoy warm delicious cookie- me, then that's fine. That'll be then. When I'm done." -Buffy Summers
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Back from Chicago! (part 2)
Next up was the comic con! The moment we walked into the building, it was crowded with geeks, people in costumes, celebrities,and kids in costumes.
Our first panel was James Marsters. It was a great way to start the day off. In the room, there were a whole bunch of seats reserved for people who payed extra, but they were empty. So James said "Move forward!" So we all moved forward. Someone asked him "Dru or Buffy?" and he said "Dru!" That surprised me, but he was brutally honest.
From then on, we browsed through the exhibit hall. Taking pictures of all the costumes we saw.
We also saw some cool vintage cars from movies on our trip.
We saw Brent Spiner (Data, Star Trek), John de Lancie (Q, Star Trek), James Marsters, William Shatner, Nicholas Brendon, Clare Kramer, Julia Jones, Lindsey Wagner, and Peter S. Beagle (author of "The Last Unicorn").
My mom also tried on a "Utilikilt".
And we met some really nice people. Like fellow Buffy fans, and Collectors.
We saw this amazing costume of Jack Sparrow. He looked exactly like him!
Overall, it was a great trip! Love to go again!

Also, Brent Spiner complained that the "Chicago Comic Con" wasn't actually in Chicago, but in Rosemont, Illinois, north of Chicago.
Back from Chicago! (part 1)
I'm back! We arrived home at 4 in the morning on Tuesday. The trip was amazing, and we had so much fun!
It was around an 11 hour drive including pitstops and an hour and a
half at the border. We saw a whole bunch of cool vintage cars on our drive. The car in the picture below is an old "Hot Rod" that we saw at the border crossing.
We did as much shopping there as possible since the taxes were lower. There they were 3 to 8 percent, whereas in Ontario, the taxes are 13 percent. We mostly bought a lot from JC Penney. They had the best deals.
Friday was our day day downtown. The subway system was the most confusing thing ever. They weren't selling the day passes at the station, so we had to go to Walgreens and pick up one. We saw these posters at Walgreens:
All I can say is "Healthcare?" My dad took pictures of the signs for study purposes. He's a medical historian.
After that we went to the Chicago Cultural Centre for free. It was absolutely gorgeous! The building was originally built for a library, and it's entirely made of mosaics and marble. It also holds some of the oldest domes.
Right across the street, we went to Millenium Park. We saw a cool-looking stage and a bubble-shaped sculpture. It's called "The Bead". It's also a round mirror, so you can see the city behind you.
We also saw free live jazz music in the park.
After our little rest, we took the bus up Michigan Avenue and we went to the Museum of Contemporary Art. It wasn't that big, so we were done pretty quickly.
Finally, we got to the American Girl Store. It was hard deciding what to get. My doll, Mia, poses with a nice horse.
My mom found a doll-sized table that looked like the table she grew up with. We bought that not knowing that it didn't fold up. The rest of the way back to the hotel my dad had to carry this big box.
For dinner, we had Chicago pizza which was 3 inches thick! It was different because they put the tomato sauce on the top. But it was so delicious!
Stay tuned for my Comic Con Stories!
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Move Is Officially Over!
Last night, at 2:30 in the morning, we said goodbye to our old house, and hello to our new one. It was really late mostly because my mom and I were cleaning it before our old landlord took posession for his son. Today is our relaxing and unpacking day. It was nice to finally get some decent sleep.
Now that that's over, we are definitely going to Chicago. Yesterday we found the passports so that we can cross the border.
That's about it for now!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The Countdown to Moving Day
3 days to go.
The moving and packing is going well so far. the computers and TVs are set up, so I'm currently writing this at our new place. My room at the old place is the only empty room in the house! We're all very tired, so I'm really looking forward to Monday, when this is all over, and we get to sleep in. I think I may be going to the Science Centre that day, though.
Anyway, some other things that are happening:
Betsey Johnson, my favourite designer, turned 68 on the weekend. Happy Birthday Betsey!
I just saw the episode "Five By Five" of Angel last night. It was really good, but my mom fell asleep for half of it. We may have to re-watch it tonight.
We ARE going to Chicago!!!! I'll be away from August 19th, to the 23rd. I'm very excited. We booked our tickets to Comic-Con, and we booked our hotel. I'm also excited to go to the American Girl Store.
That's about it for now!
P.S. Please answer the poll at the bottom before you go, and don't forget to feed the fish!(just click on the screen multiple times.)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The link to Micci's Blog
Micci's blog has now been created! Enjoy it!
Micci Possil's Blog
Hi! I had this brilliant idea today! I was thinking of making a blog for a charactor I'm creating for a book or tv series. The blog would be like a web-book. The charactor is Micci Possil, and she is an independant Toronto designer. She also likes to experiment with fashion. What do you think? I think I may just do it for the fun of it.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Alie's LIfe In A Day Movie
This is my video for "Life In A Day". Last Saturday, July 24th 2010, people all around the world filmed their day for a documentary by Ridley Scott and Kevin MacDonald. This was what I filmed. It may seem a bit boring, but all the videos entered to be in the film will be edited if they get selected.
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