So, I officially graduated Public School on June 27th, 2011. I arrived just a tad late for the ceremony because of traffic and my mom was rushing to do my nails. But overall, it was lovely. I had a great time at the party afterward and everyone looked stunning!
Having my time at Claude Watson end so soon felt really weird.
March 9th, 2012
Okay, so, I never really got to writing out my whole summer...
I did have a great summer. I went to Montreal to visit my aunt, I went to Jack Layton's "shrine" and huge message board at City Hall, and I went to Comic Con!
Comic Con was awesome, as usual, and I met more cool people! I met Felicia Day, dressed as Penny from "Dr. Horrible", and Nicholas Brendon's twin brother Kelly. That was weird, but he's a really nice guy who works in Set Decorating. I also met a girl from Jamaica, Iowa who loves Canadians! She said "Oh my gosh, do you the Canada song?" I said "No. There's a Canada song?" Apparently there are Canada fan songs like "Do You Want To Be Canadian?" and "Canadian, please". Who knew! And then I met Valerie Lapomme, aka Sexy Nerd Girl on the internet. She's also from Toronto, so we bonded over that. Comic Con, as always, was eventful last summer, and I think we spent even more money than before...
At the end of the summer, my friend dragged me out to the Selena Gomez concert. It was actually a pretty good show. She has a nice voice and it was fun to see a swarm of little girls in pink. I kind of felt out of place with my "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" t-shirt.
All of this was fun until I started High School. Then I entered a new kind of fun...